

Current Programm CIF Switzerland 2024


  • April 3rd to 19th 2024
  • For Social Workers and professionals from closely related fields (min. 4 max. 8 participants)
  • Applications possible until November 14th 2023


  • Workshops about social services (for children, youth and families, public and private sectors)

  • Presentations and discussions about attitudes, methods, and experiences

  • Visiting social service facilities

  • Intercultural exchange with other participants and professionals

  • Host family living

CIF_Flyer IPEP 2024.pdf

Report IPEP 2024

The 2-week IPEP exchange was a great success and met the set goals to a high degree. The professional organization, relevant and practical content, and the high level of participant engagement significantly contributed to this success. The positive feedback and the already initiated follow-up projects indicate that this exchange will have a lasting impact.
The event was a significant step towards stronger international networking among social workers and psychologists and will certainly contribute to peacebuilding and the reduction of prejudices in the long term.

Visa protocols

Participants are responsible for organizing their visa to Switzerland/Schengen.

The Co-president of CIF Switzerland will issue an invitation letter on behalf of the Swiss embassy, if required by visa protocols.

Arrival and Departure

  • Arrival: Wednesday, April 3rd
  • Departure: Friday April 19th

In case participants wish to stay on for up to two days longer due to Easter Holidays, this will be made possible. Beyond these dates CIF Switzerland cannot take on any responsibilities.

Conditions of participation

  • Diploma in social work or another closely related field, plus a minimum of two years of work experience in the social field.
  • Very good knowledge of the English language.

Participation requires full commitment: therefore, family member or friends’ visits during the program are not accepted. CIF Switzerland responsibility for any such friends or family members.

Expenses and fees

Fee for each participant: 400 Swiss francs

To be paid upon arrival. Reductions are possible on notification at the time of registration

  • Transport within the program is paid for by CIF Switzerland

  • Host families are responsible for accommodation, breakfast and dinner.

  • Participants are responsible for their travel costs to Switzerland, their own lunches and for extra expenses which are not related to their participation in the actual program.


  • First few days as a group in a youth hostel in Baden (double rooms)
  • Rest of the program: Living with a Swiss host family (single rooms)

Registration Process

Complete registration form

  • Send it to your national branch or contact person of CIF, or if not applicable, to CIF Switzerland

  • An interview with you will be arranged to discuss details.

  • The CIF representative of your country will send the form to CIF Switzerland, together with a recommendation letter. Deadline December 15th, 2022

Health insurance requirement

A certificate proving that the participant has health insurance, covering medical treatment, hospital stays and medication for the full period.

To be provided by mail one month before arrival. CIF Switzerland cannot cover health expenses and takes no such responsibility.

Due to COVID there might be additional documents necessary, depending on the situation (certificate, test results). You will be updated during the application process.